Wigginton Helping Hands


Want to get involved in Village Life?

There are often lots of little jobs and some bigger projects within the village that could do with a few more hands to help! This could be helping at the firework display, freshening up the village hall, helping dig a bog in the Rec, or getting involved in many of the activities that help make Wigginton the special place it is. 

We recognise that sometimes it's hard to know exactly what's going on in the village, or who to contact if you're interested in helping out. Wigginton Helping hands aims to help with that, by creating an email distribution list which will be used by the various working parties in the village to let you know when they could do with a hand. If they are short on volunteers for an activity or event, then they'll send an email to the Helping Hands distribution list, and if you're able to help then just reply to let hem know!

There's absolutely no commitment to signing up, or replying to any emails you receive - but if you think you may like to help out with any future events, why not sign up and get the details sent directly to you?

Are you a plumber who can help with a leaky tap, or a carpenter who can fix a sticky door? Looking to the future could you help to organise a fete, put on a fundraiser in the Village Hall or have you got any ideas for the village, to join the Wigginton community together? All these things need volunteers and working parties to get off the ground so please sign up if you can spare any time or have a useful skill to offer…...

....You may even have fun doing it!! 

To sign up please email: wiggintonhelpinghands@gmail.com